A phase 3B randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, active controlled multi-center study assessing the efficacy and safety of Abrocitinib compared with Dupilumab in adult participants on background topical therapy with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Register Today!.
Osteoarthritis Knee Pain (ATB-346-P2B-DRF)
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-arm, Phase 2B study to asses the efficacy and safety of a 14-Day dosing regimen of 3 doses of ATB-346 versus Placebo, orally administered once daily to male and female patients diagnosed with Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Register Today!
Type 2 Diabetes (I8F-MC-GPGM)
Efficacy and safety of LY3298176 once weekly versus Insulin Glargine in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and increased cardiovascular risk. Register Today!
Urine Sample Authenticity (PH1.20180001)
A study investigating the use of oral FluoresciteTM to confirm the authenticity of point of care urine samples. Register Today!
Endometriosis (P19-933)
Real-world experience of elagolix for the treatment of endometriosis in Canada: an observational cohort study (GRACE) Register Today!
Adriana Renaud
About Adriana Adriana is currently an RN at Health Sciences North after completing the French Registered Nursing program (B.Sc. Inf) at Laurentian University. She started her casual career in clinical research in 2016, as a high school co-op student here at Medicor.
Palmoplantar Pustulosis (RIST4721-201)

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, Palmoplantar Pustulosis is a disease that causes pustules, or blisters to form on the palms of the hand and soles of the feet. It commonly affects the base of the thumb and the sides of the heels. Pustules initially appear in a studded pattern on top of red plaques…
Alopecia Areata (B7981032)

According to Alopecia Areata Canada, alopecia is the loss or the absence of hair. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks the hair root and causes hair loss. There are many types of alopecia with alopecia areata being the most common type. This form of alopecia usually…
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Treatment of Alopecia Areata (B7981015)
According to Alopecia Areata Canada, alopecia is the loss or the absence of hair. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system, for unknown reasons, attacks the hair root and causes hair loss. There are many types of alopecia with alopecia areata being the most common type. This form of alopecia usually…