Today I attended a morning seminar at my bank given by a business lawyer. All 25 of us attendees left with our chins to our chests, feeling discouraged and questioning why we took the risk of starting businesses and hiring employees in the first place. Thank goodness my next stop was my office. I walked into my workplace, greeted by two smiling staff asking me how my day was going. The morning doom and gloom quickly disappeared as I remembered this is my work family. Like Julie Clement said in her blog post last week; in any family no matter what is going on we stick together. In my company even when we don’t agree with each other there is always mutual respect and kindness running in the background.
The parallels between the way Julie described her family and the way the Medicor family functions cannot be denied. When I think about any one of my employees the first thing that comes to mind is how much I care about them. Last year I suffered some personal losses and it was the support and compassion given to me by my employees that helped me to have the courage to keep moving forward as their leader.
My message today goes out to my fellow business owners, when you care about your employees they care about you and don’t miss opportunities to create a work family of your own. You spend a lot of hours in your workplaces so make sure you and your employees stick together.